Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Doing It the Right Way

God has been nudging me to think through some things.

You know how you have those days where you feel like you did it right? You can kiss the kids goodnight and feel like, at least for that day, you are okay with being held accountable to the responsibility God has set before you. Then you have the other days. The ones where you want to rewind back to your early morning wake up call and start over.

Justin and I were married almost 10 years ago (I know, really?!!!). When we said our vows to one another the thing that was most important for me to say to him was something along the lines of this, "I promise to make my efforts of being a child of God my number one priority. Trying to be a good wife, friend, companion (and someday mother) won't work unless God is first and foremost in my heart." These weren't my exact words, but you get the idea. The whole, out of the overflow kind of thing.

I want to raise my children to know the Lord. I feel blessed to have children! They are a good dose of accountability for me. I see myself reflected in them and I want to see great things! Not to build myself up or pat myself on the back for having the right answers and the best way to do things, but for their own good. The benefit of seeing good in them is that they become the people whom God created them to be. Somedays the reflection I see is God's way of reminding me that who I am to these girls does have an effect on who they are now and who they will be down the road. What a great responsibility! I want to be proven faithful in this. I desire to live in such a way that my children will some day see great things reflected in their own children.

How do we do it the right way? We love God much more than our husbands or our children. Even more than ourselves. When we are presented with a situation with our children and we have no clue how to handle it, we pray. God will give guidance.

Blessings on you as you love your sweet ones!

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